Land is a dwindling resource. It is drying up due to the pressure of increasing population, and rising agricultural and commercial activities. Land preservation is important for all the stakeholders – businesses even more so. That’s why periodic land condition assessment is crucial for all businesses.

In this article, we’ll talk about how land condition assessment as well as site and soil evaluation are critical parameters of land administration and governance. We’ll highlight the benefits of these tools for better business administration and revenue growth. 

What is land evaluation?

Land condition assessment or evaluation and soil survey are interchangeable terms. It consists of two parameters –

  • land performance, and 
  • soil evaluation

Land performance is checked by measuring the land’s utility for specific purposes. Soil evaluation is done to check the land’s health for specific agricultural or non-agricultural use. 

Farming and agro-businesses need to conduct regular land assessments to get the best land yield possible. Such businesses can only flourish when the land flourishes. 

Let’s understand the importance of land assessment with the following example.

Role of land evaluation in socio-economic development: A case study

Land evaluation has the potential to change the socioeconomic conditions of a country. Consider the case of Vietnam for instance. A land evaluation project was carried out in the country to make an effective land use policy and use it to its full potential. 

The LUPAS (land-use planning and analysis system) system was developed to carry out a thorough land assessment and potential use. LUPAS consists of 3 main components:

  • Land evaluation
  • Scenario construction
  • Multiple goal linear programming

Multiple goal linear programming is a computer-based analysis of land conditions and scenarios to solve complex land issues and conflicts. This computerised analysis helps policymakers, business planners, and experts to create a long-term land development plan.

There are 4 main parts of LUPAS:

  1. Resource balance and land evaluation
  2. Yield estimation
  3. Input-output estimation
  4. Interaction multiple goal linear programming

Such a comprehensive land assessment process enables you to use your land and capital resources effectively. It gives you an idea of how to put the labour and natural resources at your disposal to its full potential. It also puts you in a good position in terms of sustainability. 

Most importantly, it helps create growth and employment opportunities for people living in the area. This ultimately results in a better living standard and socio-economic development overall.

The people of Mai Chau district in Vietnam experienced these above-mentioned benefits after the land condition assessment with the LUPAS technique. The site and soil evaluation also led to the prevention of soil erosion and landslides (a major problem in this district earlier). 

The LUPAS formula was adopted between 2000 and 2010 in the Mai Chu district and it showed the following results:

  • Enhanced agricultural development in the district
  • Improving non-agricultural development in the district
  • Greater residential development in the area
  • Improvement in soil structure and water retention
  • Transition of farm labour into non-agricultural work
  • Increase in forest cover
  • Food security

Similarly, the site and soil evaluation program carried out by experts is yielding good results all over Australia. Businesses are reaping the benefits of pre-planned land assessments and so are the people. It is also helping policymakers make better decisions with regard to land.

Benefits of land assessment

Land condition assessment has several qualitative and quantitative benefits. Here are two important ones: 

  1. Sustainable land management

The major benefit of land condition assessment is sustainable land management. The data you get from land evaluation tests helps you understand the real issues and potential of the land. It lays down all the essential factors in front of you to make sound business decisions with regard to your land.

The assessment data presents a clear picture of the – 

  • Current land condition
  • Land yield and capability 
  • Potential risks and opportunities 

This helps you make informed land governance decisions.

  1. Regulatory clearance

Another aspect of this land assessment is project clearance. It helps businesses get land clearance for new projects quickly. They can get the EIA work done before undertaking new construction. It tells them about the fitness of the land for agricultural or commercial use. 

Regulatory hurdles also don’t act as a hindrance and things become a lot clearer when you have proper land assessment reports. It allows you to understand the compliance requirements better and prepare accordingly.

Key Takeaway

The importance of land condition assessment can’t be overstated. It tells you the hidden secrets of the land and the framework for a better land governance model. The insights you get from the land assessment data help you form a sustainable land management policy. This will ultimately boost your business and enhance employee well-being. It’s important, however, to let the professionals handle the site and soil evaluation process for you to reap the land’s economic potential.

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