There are multiple reasons as to why custom inflatable seals are so useful in the railways. The rubber seals are made in such a way that are easily flexible and don’t get so easily affected by temperature variations.

Now let’s ask a very simple question to just prove that these rubber seals are immensely beneficial for railways.

Have you seen the corridors of the train never collide or just don’t detach when the train is running at its top speed? Did you ever ask the reason why this may happen? Well, the secret behind this is an inflatable rubber seal. 

It’s only that these inflatable rubber seals are holding the doors in position and making the tightness so great that the doors never detach.

And that’s not where the story ends. Inflatable seals have multiple benefits that make them so useful for the railways, let’s know them one after another.

Why inflatable rubber seals are so much used in railways

The uses of rubber seals are diverse and are said to grow around 5.2% by 2023.

Now railways need to get a lot of things right for their services: keep doors in position, not let air pressure damage any internal controls, and not allow detachment of compartments.

Let’s get to the 7 major uses now.

1. Best for maintaining balance

Trains are always carrying a great weight. Ever wondered how a train can adjust to so much weight and still never break down?

Note that too much weight in trains like in the cargo trains, affects the air pressure. If the air pressure is kept under control, a train will be running smoothly.

Here comes the role of a suspension bag. It protects the train to maintain the air pressure.

But how does it do that? The suspension bag is made up of inflatable seals. Custom inflatable rubber seals are used for these bags, which makes these bags easily adjust to the external air pressure.

2. Can be easily used in extreme heat

High thermal conductivity is a great property of inflatable rubber seals, which makes them widely used in railways. Trains are running in all weather, be that extreme heat or torrential rainfall.

Now take the case of very sunny weather. The heat is way too much in the case of high-speed trains, so high-quality rubber is needed to withstand the heat.

Custom inflatable seals have heat-resistant properties; their temperature has a maximum heat absorption capacity of 300 degrees Celsius. This is the reason why train corridors and even seats are made of inflatable rubber seals.

3. Blocks toxic fume

Another good reason which makes inflatable seals are used widely in trains is that they are expert in resisting toxic fumes. Often locomotives emit highly toxic fumes, which can easily react and get inside the compartments, ruining the quality of carriages.

Inflatable rubber seals have a better capacity to resist fumes, so they are often used as corridor joints and doors.

External air and even toxic air like in locomotives can’t get in contact with the compartment rooms.

4. Highly flexible

Another great property we must say about the custom inflatable seals, is they’re flexible. This means that the seals can be easily contracted and expanded, which makes them completely useful for railways.

Trains often change their tracks and may even have to halt suddenly, so a great degree of flexibility is needed. If you ever read about the structure of these seals, you’ll find that they’re made of small elastomeric tubes.

These tubes are highly flexible and have an immense capacity to adjust to the change in speed and adjusting to high friction.

5. High tensile strength

Another good property to note is the higher tensile strength of these inflatable rubber seals. Many manufacturing companies often use advanced technologies to enhance the tensility, because these seals are widely used in cases of railways.

If the train is speeding up or even getting through a constant vibration, these seals appropriately absorb that and stretch much because of their tensile ability.

6. Good for reducing noise

Trains get through a lot of noise while they’re running, especially through empty fields. Rail companies, to isolate that much noise, use custom inflatable seals in the corridors. They are directly used as best fits in the door gaps, and from our year-long experience, we can say that these seals are the best airlock.

7. Makes passenger and cargo safety a priority

Dust and high-pitched noise can easily get inside the compartments and affect the passengers to a good extent. This is a reason that makes railway companies choose inflatable seals.

These seals are great for absorbing sound and dust, even when the train dashes through fields.


Inflatable rubber seals are a blessing for the railways. These seals enhance protection as well as improve the smooth movement of the train even when it’s storming through tunnels.

More importantly, these rubber seals are a cheaper option for maximum security, so check them out today from a trusted online site.

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