It is surprising that still talking about sexual health is a taboo. Sexual health in Gatineau is usually overlooked, and the result is long-term erectile dysfunction.

Cases of erectile dysfunction are increasing, and we’re not stating that. Take the instance of Canada. There, 49.4% of people suffer from this sexual disorder.

Every year, 15% of people suffer from this disorder, which means around 150 million men all around the world are victims of this.

You need to note down these 10 main things that lead to erectile dysfunction usually. Once you know these, you’ll be more insightful. Even if you suffer this, you’ll have a good knowledge about why this happens at all.

Note Down These Major 10 Factors That May Cause Erectile Dysfunction

An important part of sexual health in Gatineau, especially for men, is to be aware of all sexual health-related problems. One such is erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is slowly turning to become a common malady, so we need to talk about it first.

Before we begin our findings on what usually causes erectile dysfunction, let’s get to how acute this problem is.

Almost 40% of men have fallen victim to erectile dysfunction, and this problem is 10% more acute than last decade. This is an alarming thing to note!

Some interesting facts about erectile dysfunction

  • With age, the erectile dysfunction problem increases more severely
  • Erectile dysfunction usually causes hypertension, obesity, age-related problems
  • Trauma usually causes erectile dysfunction
  • Emotional well-being gets highly disturbed after erectile dysfunction

Know these symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

There are some potential symptoms which indicate that you’re undergoing erectile dysfunction:

  • You get difficulty in feeling an erection
  • It takes too long for you to experience an erection
  • You usually don’t experience much sexual libido
  • You have trouble falling asleep
  • You don’t feel much sexual attraction towards your partner
  • You always feel too sulky and depressed
  • You feel some pain before getting an erection

If all these symptoms persist with you for a longer time, then you have to immediately visit a clinic to repair your sexual health in Gatineau. Delaying this problem for too long can seriously damage your sexual health, and lead to a permanent sexual impairment.

How can erectile dysfunction treatment in Gatineau help you?

Now let’s move to the part as to why an erectile dysfunction cure can be super-helpful for you. In an erectile dysfunction treatment in Gatineau, you can be treated in many different ways. That can be psychological counseling because most cases of erectile dysfunction can be attributed to low self-esteem issues.

If the condition is too serious, the doctor may suggest surgery followed by the installation of a penis pump. This type of device is helpful to maintain rigidity and make your organs stay in shape when you’re aroused.

Sometimes, you’ll be suggested to change your diet and quit smoking or alcohol. Research published ago states that alcohol is a major cause of sexual dysfunction in men.

Besides, too much alcohol consumption can cause associated problems, which again is too harmful to your sexual health.

1. Diabetes can be a contributing factors

About this cause

This is a stated fact that diabetes can be a contributing factor to creating sexual complexities. And here, diabetes can cause erectile dysfunction.

Diabetes-affected men are 3.5 times more likely to undergo erectile dysfunction than men who don’t suffer from diabetes. Even if you visit a certified doctor for sexual health in Gatineau, the doctor may underline diabetes and get you to check your blood sugar levels.

Diabetes usually results in high blood sugar levels, which makes the blood vessels in the penis quite weak and disrupts the blood flow. This is the major reason why diabetes can be too harmful to your sexual health.

However, to date, no strong and proven scientific research has been conducted that can make sure that diabetes does cause erectile dysfunction, except for some correlated facts and statistical interpretations.

But why take risks?

There is already enough evidence that suggests that diabetes can be a major reason behind erectile dysfunction.

How severely can it cause ED?

Quite greatly, actually. The chances increase highly because of this.

Probable solution

  • Consuming sugar-free food
  • No fatty food or food that’s processed or readily available in fast food packets
  • Regular exercise and walking
  • Quitting alcohol consumption

2. Try to remember if you had any nervous disorder or damage

About this cause

Often a nervous disorder can be a contributing reason for erectile dysfunction. Again, we are stating research facts and not our hypothesis. Research done in 2016, says that nervous disorders or damage can bring on erectile dysfunction.

Men suffering from neurological disorders suffer ED, way more than men without any nervous disorders. Nervous damage usually lowers blood pressure entering penile chambers and reduces the chances of erection.  

You can understand this more simply by getting to the fact that sexual arousal is completely dependent on nervous functioning, and it’s only with a better blood flow that a man can have a proper erection.

Imagine that nervous connectivity is broken, and so a man will not be able to experience arousal quite well. Seeking a certified erectile dysfunction treatment in Gatineau can solve this readily.

How severely can it cause ED?

Nervous damage can lead to various consequences, and this can be damaging to the associated organs as well. If we’re talking about this, let’s discuss multiple scenarios.

For example, Parkinson’s disease is a nervous disorder that lowers sexual appetite and also causes tremor symptoms in men. This is seriously damaging to sexual life, so erectile dysfunction is natural to occur. Just note that different nervous disorders usually create a high chance of ED.

Probable solution

We will recommend seeking a certified medical practitioner in case of nervous disorder, as this is the safest way to treat it instead of self-administering medicines.

Under a certified neurologist, you can understand which part of your nerve has been damaged, and maybe you’ll have to do an MRI or get an EMG report.

3. Chronic depression

About this cause

Human psychology is too important not to consider while discussing the probable causes leading to ED problems. Often, an acute depression can be the real reason. We have research conforming to this, which states that higher psychological distress is an actual reason for long-term erectile dysfunction.

Depression can be caused because of so many reasons in turn, sometimes associated with major disorders like PTSD or sometimes after delivery of a child.

Before visiting a specialist for erectile dysfunction treatment in Gatineau, we will always recommend you visit a psychologist to get off the cloud of depression.

A depressed mind usually loses the will to survive even in extreme cases, so psychological counseling is needed here.

How severely can it cause ED?

Did you know that those who are affected by depression have much lower testosterone levels? This causes a high chance of ED to occur.

Probable solution

Seeking a psychological counselor is essential before you can choose any other options. By other options, we meant seeking the support of close friends whom you trust, and your family who will not judge you.

4. Smoking habits can be a cause 

About this cause 

Smoking can be a major reason behind erectile dysfunction. If we consider the smoking habits of people in Gaitenu, we’ll see that almost all males and females smoke in the same proportion. This hurts sexual health in Gatineau. 

Let’s wind it up for you. 

Males in Gaitenu smoke 14.5%, while 10% of females smoke there, which shows that there is a high number of smokers.

This is an indirect reason why so many people in Gaitenu suffer from erectile problems. Given that almost 49.4% of people already are the victims of ED in Canada, you can understand why smoking can be a reason for this disorder.

How severely can it cause ED? 

Yes, there’s a chance that smoking can cause severe erectile dysfunction. A research study published says that men who are under 40 years of age, suffer from ED issues way more than men who usually or never smoke. 

Probable solution 

  • Using nicotine gums or nasal sprays can be a close substitute 
  • Jogging in the early morning is a good therapy
  • Nicotine replacement therapy sessions can be sought 
  • Being in communities of those who want to quit smoking can be great

5. Check for insomnia 

About this cause

Insomnia is generally sleeping too late or sometimes very little sleep every day. We have gathered a scientific paper to prove our point, and that states insomnia and ED are connected.

Usually, people with insomnia problems suffer from anxiety and sometimes even tend to get depressed easily. This negatively affects sexual performance. Here, seeking erectile dysfunction treatment in Gatineau is of high importance. 

How severely can it cause ED?

Although there is no direct scientific evidence to show that insomnia can be too risky and cause erectile dysfunction, it still is a fact that loss of sleep and sexual functioning have a strong relationship. You must’ve noticed the days you had too little sleep and felt little sexual appetite. 

Probable solution

  • No coffee or smoking for at least two months
  • Try not to sleep at noon
  • No watching or using digital gadgets before sleeping

6. Childhood trauma 

About this cause

This is a purely psychological issue, but an impactful reason behind sexual dysfunction. There are many news and papers published about this though. Let’s inform you about one such research, which states that half of men who had an abusive childhood reported erectile dysfunction.

How severely can it cause ED?

Childhood trauma can be too severe if the right treatment is not sought in time. Apart from ED, such trauma cases can even lead to chronic depression and self-esteem issues. 

Probable solution

  • Consulting a reputed psychologist for CBT therapy, trauma therapy
  • Sharing childhood memories with someone whom you can deeply trust
  • Going for an erectile dysfunction treatment in Gatineau

7. Peyronie’s disorder

About this cause

Peyronie’s disorder can be a major cause of poor erection in sexual performance. This disorder is when the penile skin forms scar tissues, where a man feels lots of pain during erection. This disorder also can make the penis look shorter and the girth can be impacted.

How severely can it cause ED?

Peyronie’s disorder can be harmful to a healthy sex life. Almost 8.9% of men suffer from this disorder in Canada. Because of the poor length and girth of the penis, men usually underperform in bed.

Probable solution

  • A sexologist can suggest medications like interferon injections, colchicine 
  • Using traction therapy
  • Natural exercises like using a penis pump (should be done under a physician’s guidance)
  • Visiting a sexual health expert to fix sexual health in Gatineau is compulsory 

8. Thyroid imbalance can cause erectile dysfunction 

About this cause 

This is an indirect cause that can lead to erectile dysfunction. Research has stated that hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can be a significant cause behind fluctuating sexual appetites. 

Are you aware that almost 63% of men who suffer from hypothyroid problems and 77% of men suffering from hyperthyroidism experience erectile dysfunction? That’s a concerning statistic.

How severely can it cause ED? 

It can cause a lower appetite for sex, and that will decline sexual performance in bed. So that’s clear as water that thyroid disorders can cause a high amount of ED problems.

Probable solution 

  • Taking medicines from certified practitioners 
  • Check for thyroid labels to keep healthy sexual health in Gatineau
  • Consult a nutritionist for balancing iodine levels in food
  • Intake low sugar
  • Try to do activities that reduce stress 

9. Prostate surgery can be a reason 

About this cause

This is a concerning fact behind erectile dysfunction cases. Almost 30-50% of people who have to go through prostate surgery, usually undergo erectile dysfunction. 

If you know someone who has undergone prostate surgery, then chances are high that you’ll experience erectile dysfunction. Let’s talk about a statistic here.

How severely can it cause ED?

There is a very increased chance that ED is caused by prostate surgery or prostate problems. At least, the facts stated by the research paper say that.

Probable solution

  • No alcohol should be intake
  • Immediate consultation of an erectile dysfunction treatment in Gatineau
  • Get to examine possible cases of tumor (tumor chances increase after prostate surgery)
  • Use oral meds certified by a licensed medical practitioner 
  • Frequent urinating at fixed intervals

10. Hypertension 

About this cause

If you often feel quickly tensed and experience nausea or headaches, then that’s hypertension. People who suffer this, have also experienced sexual dysfunction problems. 

Many research papers have shown that hypertension does damage sexual life, and so erectile dysfunction can be a serious consequence. 

How severely can it cause ED?

The close relationship between hypertension and ED shows that severe erectile dysfunction can be caused by people who go through high blood pressure.

Probable solution

  • Try to get to regular exercise, such as cycling or at least walking 
  • Swimming is a great exercise 
  • Regularly walking at least a mile can be a good solution


Let’s get to the main points framed here. Our list is exhaustive and consists of all the possible causes you’ll find on the internet after searching for hours. Once you read the probable solutions, you’ll get a fair idea about a risk-free erectile dysfunction treatment in Gatineau.

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